Lesson Overview
Enhance your ESL teaching with our engaging ESL lesson plan focused on the difference between -ed adjectives and -ing adjectives. Designed for A2-B1 ESL students, this lesson provides a comprehensive understanding of the adjectives’ usage and structure.
Our lesson begins by explaining the essential grammar rules for using adjectives ending in "-ed" and "-ing" to describe things. Following that, students will be given sentences to complete. Afterwards, there is an opportunity to create one’s own descriptive sentences using the provided prompts.
Our ESL lesson plan on "-ed" and "-ing" adjectives continues with picture exercises, exciting free talk and comprehension tasks; all of which involve describing various situations.
Afterwards, students will engage in meaningful discussions. These thought-provoking discussion topics will encourage students to confidently describe and discuss various situations using adjectives ending in "-ed" and "-ing."
Exercises overview:
- Grammar Theory.
- Sentence complete.
- Describe pictures 1.
- Describe pictures 2.
- Create sentences 1.
- Create sentences 2..
- Reading: Sam’s Holiday.
- Discussion questions.
- Word order.
- Extra practice.