
ESL Kids

⦿ ​​Kids Curriculum for Levels 0, 1, 2 and 3!
⦿ All Kids lessons are presented in units.
⦿ Each unit contains 3x lessons.
⦿ Each lesson is 45 minutes minimum.
⦿ New Lessons Added Weekly.

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ESL General

⦿ ​​General English Curriculum for A0, A1, B1, B2, C1-C2.
⦿ All lessons are a minimum of 1 hour.
⦿ All lessons are video or article based.
⦿ The curriculum ensures progression from week to week.
⦿ New lessons are added weekly.

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ESL Business

⦿ Business English Curriculum for B1, B2 and C1-C2.
⦿ All important business topics are covered.
⦿ All lessons are video or article based.
⦿ The curriculum ensures progression from week to week.
⦿ New lessons are added weekly.

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ESL Grammar

⦿ Grammar curriculum for A1, A2, B1, B2 and C1+.
⦿ All grammar topics are covered.
⦿ All members can request a topic.
⦿ The curriculum ensures progression from week to week.
⦿ New lessons are added weekly.

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