Lesson Overview:
This lesson explores the topic of ‘Smartphones’ through an excellent, thought-provoking video. The class also contains reading, listening and vocabulary exercises which will enthrall your students!
We recommended using this ESL lesson on smartphones with high B2 to C2 learners that have an interest in how technology affects society. ‘Smartphones’ is a broad subject which everybody has an opinion on; therefore we are positive this lesson will spark your students into life!
The class explores different perspectives ensuring participants get a balanced view. There are numerous fun, engaging activities which ensure all students will learn a lot! Our favorite activity is ‘how to break the addiction’ because it allows students to study interesting ideas and vocabulary from the video. We know you and your students will love this ESL lesson on smartphones! Activities:
- Warm up.
- Video vocabulary.
- Video phrases.
- Video quotes.
- Article: Smartphones Benefits.
- Picture round.
- Quotes.
- Would you rather?
The homework section of this ESL lesson on smartphones provides students with further material to study. The article presents some problems associated with technology. After the reading, there is a series of questions which encourage students to use the language learned in class, and develop new ideas. Activities:
- Article: Problems with Smartphones.
- Article vocabulary.
- Article questions.